She was 21 years old. She had fallen in love with a filmmaker. He was ten years older, had gold teeth and a big mouth with which he could eat people.
- Gainexperienceaddiction - Maturityenvy – Innocentangelattitude -
He was known as a celebrity in his town. All his friends wanted to help him with his projects and to be there. She was like a piece of meat on his salver.
- Energyvampire - Pictureseducer - Applauseobducer -
They gagged her articulation and tied her gestures. They wanted her to be seen as a free-rider of Fassbinder. In this film, she played only his companion.
Respectdownthedrain- Identitytheft - Nothingandnobody-
Only in the togetherness he turned the spotlight on her. It was his charm and he taught her to use his motorcycle. Her job was to convince other people of the legitimacy of his projects.
- Coarsenessmaneuvre- cameralensfiller -Innocencemisuser-
She was aware of her presence. She was a slumbering volcano. She went on a trip and left him her silver car. He used it to chauffeure his ex girlfriend around.
- Weaknesseinvestigator- Engineoildynamics – Missingbeatlimit - Observationfriend -
She smoked so many cigarettes that she was no longer hunger. Then she went to his house and slept with his best friend. Perhaps he knew nothing about it, he wanted to reconcile with her.
- Infidelitydrastic - Gardenfenceoutlook - Intimacyaggregat – Heartachesuspicion-
He asked her to come over for hot chocolate. She told him about her love affair. Then he kicked her out with all of her belongings. She stuck the milk on the garden fence. It squirted to all sides.
- Angerhormone- Abdominalideals- Copycatsubstainability - Distancekick -
Colleen Coleman, Performance, Good Luck Meal
Katya Grokhovsky, Good Bloody Luck
Ryan Leitner's Photographic Series
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